Stick with us here, we are trying something new.....VIDEOS!!!
We were invited to attend a Relief Society celebration where 4 Branches of the Pamplona District came together and shared the talents of the members of their Branch. The church buildings are versatile. This particular celebration was held in the chapel since they do not have a cultural hall. These Sisters love to sing and dance and entertain. They are fun-loving people!
As we were travelling to Buhi, where one of our apartments for a companionship of Elders is located, we thought to take a short video of what we saw as we traveled there. The roads (I use the term loosely) are very narrow and made of concrete. The Filipinos work very hard to have conveniences such as paved roads to their areas. They mix the concrete using a small cement mixer, and then they shovel the mixture into the areas that they have prepared. Everything in this area is done by hand, nothing like what we see in the States.
We hope you were able to view these two videos. If we've been successful, we'll share more videos in upcoming blogs. We have taken many, and would love to share them with you, and this is just an experiment to see how it works.
Thank you all for your encouragement and support as we continue to serve.
Elder and Sister Campbell